大規模なOracle Databaseフリートを管理するための可観測性と管理サービス (2023/12/22)

大規模なOracle Databaseフリートを管理するための可観測性と管理サービス (2023/12/22)


投稿者:Erika Sciunzi | Principal Domain Specialist Cloud Engineer - Data Management

Sriram Vrinda | Director of Product Management


分散環境ではプロアクティブである必要があり、リソースの節約は予算と直接相関しています。OCI Observability & Management(O&M)は、DBAとITマネージャーの両方で日々の活動を容易にするための戦略を提供します。DBAは、ボタンをクリックするだけで、PDBのプロビジョニング、接続/切断、およびテスト環境と開発環境の作成ができる必要があります。ITマネージャは、現在のリソース使用率およびトレンド分析に基づいて予算の予測を提供できる必要があります。


図1: CPU使用率の予測


図2:  エラー伝播を防ぐためのイベントとデータのクラスタリング





図3:  ハイブリッド・シナリオの例

オンプレミス・データベースおよびクラウド・データベースを使用するハイブリッド環境では、Enterprise Manager (EM)は次の理由から最適なソリューションです。

  • EMはオンプレミスであるため、ターゲットの検出が容易になります。
  • EMには、データベース・ターゲットを監視および管理するための豊富なインタフェースがあります。
  • EMトポロジを最初から検出せずに、EMトポロジを利用できます。これらはエンタープライズ・マネージャのログですでに検出されています。

OCI Operations Insightsおよび次のようなLogging Analyticsサービス機能を使用してEMを拡張することで、可観測性プラットフォームをエンリッチすることを検討してください。

  • 予算割当のリソース使用予測
  • チャージバックの部門/チーム別稼働率トレンド
  • リソース使用率制限早期警告
  • SQLの低下分析
  • 根本原因分析のデータベース・アラートおよびトレース・ログ管理

OCI Compute VMにEMをデプロイし、OCI Marketplaceで提供されるフル・スタックを使用することを選択します。オンプレミスEMと同様に、OMSおよびリポジトリのメンテナンスは制御下にあります。



図4: オンプレミスの例

このシナリオでは、データベース管理はデータベース・レイヤーに制限されます。ただし、EM機能は、OCI Operations Insights、Exadata Insights、およびLogging Analyticsサービスで強化できるため、次の利点があります。

  • 予算割当のリソース使用予測
  • チャージバックのVMクラスタ/デパートメント/チーム別使用率トレンド
  • リソース使用率制限早期警告
  • SQLの低下分析
  • 根本原因分析のデータベース・アラートおよびトレース・ログの管理(アプリケーション・ログのインポートの提案)



図5: OCI ExaCS/DBCSの可観測性


データベース管理やオペレーション・インサイトなどのネイティブOCIサービスは、OCIベースのOracle Databaseのエージェントレス(エージェントなしで作成)です。Logging Analyticsサービスは、セキュリティ上の理由から管理エージェントとともに使用でき、事前定義済のログ・ソースに加えて、データベース表から任意のファイルまたはデータを取り込むことができます。



Service/Product Name



More resources

Enterprise Manager Cloud Management Pack

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Cloud Management Pack for Oracle Database delivers capabilities spanning the entire database lifecycle. Cloud administrators can set up the Self-Service Portal to identify pooled resources, configure role-based access, define service catalogs, and configure chargeback plans

Enterprise Manager Cloud Management Pack

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Is it possible to use OCI DBaaS/Exa service console to provision the Oracle database in OCI

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console for provisioning

OCI Resource Manager

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Resource Manager is an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service that allows you to automate the process of provisioning your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources. Using Terraform, Resource Manager allows installing, configuring, and managing resources through the “infrastructure-as-code” model.

OCI Resource Manager




Service/Product Name



Additional resources


Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

OCI Monitor collects PaaS/IaaS OCI services metrics. Is enabled by default for all the OCI services

List of metrics collected by default

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Service Console offers a list of graphs and basic information about critical metrics like CPU, Memory, and Storage

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console for DBCS and EXACS  ExaCC Resource Usage Tracking

Enterprise Manager - ADDM

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Custom-managed solution, on-premises or in OCI. It is usually used for diagnostic and admin but it also provides real-time metrics

List of metrics collected by Enterprise manager

OCI Database Management (opt to Enterprise Manager)

On-premises, DBCS, ExaCS

OCI managed service, provides complete monitoring, management, and performance tuning of databases across the hybrid fleet

List of metrics collected by OCI Database Management

Stack Monitoring

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS

Stack Monitoring lets you proactively monitor an application and its underlying tech stack, including application servers, databases and hosts. Extend monitoring by creating custom metrics with Metric Extensions.

Stack Monitoring for Oracle Database


Creating custom metrics using Metric Extensions

OCI Logging Analytics

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS

It is possible to create metrics based on the alert and trace logs. OCI Logging analytics offers a list of predefined Label based on the alert and trace message

Enhancing OCI metrics and creating Alerts using Logging Analytics


Third-Party Tools - Service Connector Hub

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

OCI offers full O&M capabilities but in the case the customers want to use their tools allows high integration using Service Connect Hub

Service Connector Hub



Service/Product Name



Additional resources

Enterprise Manager - Diagnostic and Tuning Pack

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Custom managed solution is enabled at DB level, on-premises, or in OCI. It provides functionalities like Tuning Advisor or TopSqlStatment detection

Performance and Tuning Management Pack

OCI Database Management - PerfHub (opt to Enterprise Manager)

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS

OCI managed service, offers the same Performance and Tuning capabilities offered by Enterprise Manager Performance and Tuning Pack but in a completed managed solution

Database Management Performance Hub

Operation Insights SQL Insights and Capacity Planning

On-Premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC by Enterprise Manager

OCI Operations Insights allows tracking of metrics charts and data collection. It allows the correlation of resources from different infrastructure layers. It allows us to predict resources high utilization

OCI Operations Insights SQL

OCI Operations Insights Capacity planning




Service/Product Name



Additional resources

Enterprise Manager

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Custom-managed solution on-premises or in OCI. It provides administration tools from the database to the infrastructure level

Enterprise manager

OCI Database Management(opt to Enterprise Manager)

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS

OCI managed service; it offers a comprehensive list of administrative capabilities and new ones are being introduced in an agile manner.

Database Management

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console is embedded in all Cloud PaaS services. It allows basic task list start/stop/terminate instances, backup and restore connection and wallet

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console



Service/Product Name



Additional resources

Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Pack

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Database Lifecycle Management Pack supports the entire Patch Management Lifecycle including, patch advisories, pre-deployment analysis, rollout, and reporting. It is linked with My Oracle Support to provide a synchronized view of available and recommended patches. It manages drift and version comparison

Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Pack

OCI DBaaS/Exa service console

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

It is possible to use the OCI DBaaS/Exa service console to patch OCI databases and other OCI services

Patching Oracle database



Service/Product Name



Additional resources

Enterprise Manager Chargeback

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Custom-managed solution on-premises or in OCI. It offers a deep drill-down and metric correlation

Enterprise Manager Chargeback

Operations Insights Capacity Planning

On-Premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC (by Enterprise Manager)

OCI managed service, allows to predict the resource consumption for one year. Using tagging and other grouping built-in functionality, it is possible to associate the forecast and consumption to specific departments, users, applications, and/or VM clusters.

Operations Insights Capacity Planning

Cost Analysis                                                       

Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Cost Analysis is an easy-to-use visualization tool to help you track and optimize your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure spending. It allows to generation of charts and download of accurate, reliable tabular reports of aggregated cost data. Using tagging is also possible to associate the forecast and the consumption to a specific VM Cluster or DBCS (no DB or PDB visibility)

OCI Cost Analysis




Service/Product Name



Additional resources

Enterprise Manager

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

Custom-managed solution on-premises or in OCI. It offers a deep drill down and metric correlation. For example, it allows retrieving the Top SQL statement or the blocking session. It is possible to see and manage tablespace and data files, users, and DB parameters. Enterprise manager allow to drill down from the database until the physical host or the user domain (it depends on which system are you monitoring).

Enterprise manager

OCI Database Management (opt to Enterprise Manager)

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS

OCI managed service, allows us to drill down and correlate metrics and data from different layers. There is built-in integration to other O&M services (ex. Operations Insights). For example, it is possible to compare SQL Statement response time with the baseline to check whether there has been a performance degradation.

Database Management

Logging Analytics

On-premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC

OCI Logging analytics can handle log events generated by all software applications and infrastructure on the Cloud or on-premises. For Databases log messages severity is pre-classified based on Oracle expert experience. It is possible to set alerts for critical events to be proactive in case of issues. For example  1407 labels are defined for DB Audit logs, DB 767 labels for Audit (db tbl), 124 labels for DB Alert, 43 labels for DB Trace etc…

OCI Logging Analytics  OCI Logging Analytics for Exa


Operations Insights

On-Premises, Autonomous, DBCS, ExaCS, ExaCC by Enterprise Manager

OCI Operations Insights allows tracking down metrics charts and data collection. It allows correlating resources from different infrastructure layers. It is possible to set an early warning alert to know days in advance if systems are running out of resources. That prevents outages.

OCI Operations Insights

OCI Exadata Insights


Oracleには、大規模なデータベース・フリートを管理および監視するためのツールがいくつか用意されています。OCIで提供される予測やパターン識別などの診断ツールを使用して、O&M機能でEMを拡張することが重要です。詳細を確認し、Oracle Cloudでハンズオン・ラボ・アクティビティを無料で実行するには、Oracle Cloud Free Tierアカウントを使用します。




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